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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to download FileZilla FTP Clients?

How to download FileZilla FTP Clients?

If you have a website or blog then you have to download this Filezilla FTP Clients and It is also most important one for us to upload our contents and upload our images and videos in our websites.  You should create a small page link then make it possible for you.  The File Transfer Protocol is also one of the most efficient way to upload and update our websites.

If you add the files or web pages through this FTP clients then it is giving you the best way to create your pages. Not all the FTP programs are the same but This FileZilla is one of the best software to link your website and this open source FTP client is fast and reliable and it is also one of the best advanced features and you can download it here.

Click Here  

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Analyzer for Meta Tags

I would like to discuss or tell something about the importance of Title Tag or Meta Tag for your website which is help you to update the website.  The title tag is also one of the most important role on the header of the site.  Also you should have keywords, description and author also be considered and they may do huge impact but every fine tune will be added value to your website.

Meta Tag Analyzer is also very helpful tool for understanding your meta tags.  All you need to know about the status of the page, the number of keywords, The relevancy of the title and description and quality of the tags to be reported by this website to update your blog.

How to update Meta Tags?

If you want to put the right keywords in the title tag then it will give you the value of the website or blog.  Also you should have competitive keywords in your title tag which help you to reach the right people through search engines.  I hope you will understand your meta tags will be targeted the traffic through it should be in the right place.

You just check your Meta Tag Analyzer :  Click Here  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to get rid the Calender?

How to get rid of the Google Calender? Most of the blogs or templates have time by default which help us to see the posting time, day, month and year.  So it is very useful to maintain the timeline and other default settings.  Most of the people need to search post on day basis to understand your post list.

All the visitors can have their own ideas about to search your post through timeline or post by post.  Whichever is useful to reach your pages and it will help you to make it possible for you to get more page views too.

Also you can find the ways to post and its time make it and you choose the day by day post material to reach your people.  You can also use Google Calender to mix your posts by day default.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to use forums to promote our blogs?

It is very simple way to promote our blogs through online business forums or through webmaster forums.  How it will work?  If you register with forums which help you to add your website in the profile. It calculates as do follow in some forums and others as calculate as no follow links.

This links and you can add your blogs in signatures which is allowed by most of the forums.  So you can have real position for your website or blogs through these leading forums. Once you pick the leading forums then create a topic or reply to someone's topic which help you to get back links as well as traffic to your blogs.

I hope you understand to create a back links from leading online forums which help you to make real traffic to your websites or blogs?  You just see the leading keyword as webmaster forum to check with google.com to get the list of webmasters forum list.









Now you can have back links from forums which help you to get real traffic to your blogs.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is it Colorzilla?

I really enjoyed to use Internet Explorer few years ago.  But now we should dump it if possible because of security reasons.  If you still use it just quit from it and go with Firefox.

I don't want to tell reason but due to some reasons just include security, tabbed navigation, customization and to add the extensions with the possibility. It is working fine with us to make it possible for us.

If you want to blogging then it is very useful and also you can find more extensions which is the most important role for bloggers.

I have found a Colorzilla which is an extension that is discover the color of any website or blog by simply moving your mouse over upon the website or blog.

I hope you will get more information about zoom pages, measure the distance between two points, export colors' code and many more through this browser.

If you want to create a new blog or if you want to redesign the website or blog template and design.  You just do it through this extension.  Please test it.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Short Title Tag

Short Title Tag may help you to reach the people easily through Search Engine.  The description that appears on the top of the browser which help us to know about the search engine.  The title tag is most important role and the fact which are determining the SERP.

Most of the people do some common mistakes, however, the people commit when creating the title tag to reach the people through search engines.  The two types of common mistakes, first one is to add single title tag and another one is we use normally the same title in all the pages which is also one of the best mistake done by us.

If you suppose use "Vastu Tips" in the main page then you can have another topic which is including our keywords like "Vastu Five Basic Tips" will help you to reach through seo results.  I hope you will get more results than the actual results.   Also you should not have more than four or five keywords in your title tag which help you to reach short and sweat ranking to your site.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Social Bookmark Buttons

Importance of the Social Bookmarking Buttons :

We should have a button to bookmark our website or post through social bookmarking websites which help us to read our post.  I hope you understand the social bookmark button to put it in your website in the right to reach the people. Especially blog should have this opportunity to reach more people through social media.
1) You should get traffic through this like button

2) You should get back links from this opportunity

3) It may give more traffic than search results

4) Digg and Delicious may give you the best results.

5) Technorati and blogcatlog are both giving the best results for blogs.

Also you can use social media button or feedburner buttons to add these buttons to your website in the right area.  I really enjoyed to get real traffic through this social media button to add in my websites.  Also you should put maximum four or five buttons to make it possible for you.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

RSS feed for your web pages

RSS feed for your web pages to add your pages in their favorite list.  RSS will help us to increase the page likes and integrated with other blogs to make it easy to understand the blog post.  So you can find it wherever possible and it might be a reader friendly.  How to subscribe the RSS feed? You just put the icon in the top right sidebar which help you to get more readers.

You may add your RSS feed bar from feedburner.com which also help you to get more visitors to your website.  After adding this button into my blog then I have found more visitors to my blog.  So pl do it for you to make it possible for you.

Most of the people need to get more information about RSS and its basic ideas to reach the people easily.  Once you have started a blog then you should add this button in the right top sidebar then it will become update the data's of your post.  I hope you feel the traffic to your website after adding this button through RSS feed.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

How often write post in my blog?

Most of the people want to know that how often should I blog? or How often write post in my blog?  It is  a recurrent question from blogger specially those amount try to start  new blog.  IF you ask someone like me to know that when should I right? what is the time limit between the posts?

I know some of them write post once in a day, some of them write post once in a week and some of them write post once in a month.  Most of them write post whenever they want so there is no instruction to post in blog.  Now I suggest you that you should write post everyday which help you to get more success than the normal blog.

Also quality of the blog is better than the quantity of the post in blog.  If you want to have a successful then you should write minimum five times in a week.  I really enjoyed to write a post everyday which help a lot.

At the same time, You should follow your niche when write post in your blog which help you to get more reach to the people.  I hope you will be getting more interesting results to your blog.  All the best.

More about Google Adsense in our Google online blog :   www.googleonlinejobs.net 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to choose Domain Name Search?

Domain name search is nothing but to make your own domain which help you to improve your conversation with your customer to provide the details about your product.  You can have free blog like blogger or wordpress free blog domain may not give multi purpose or continuous support so this is the right to choose your own domain from the domain websites as given below :

Who.is :

You can search your domain through this leading web domain website who.is which help you to find the domain name in (.com, .net, .in, .biz, .org, .gen., .is, .us, and many) the name of your choice.  Otherwise you have to select a domain name of your niche and local keywords.

shipping.com or chicagoshipping.com or diamondshipping.com

Domainz.in :

Now in India most of the people are searching and book their domain through this website and many of them need to book bulk domain name to get discount price.

www.jbsoftsystem.com :

This is one of the leading domain name booking website and web design company in chennai.  They are the service provider in Chennai to do software business and webdesigning in Chennai.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How to create long blog roll?

How to create long blog roll?

I need to create a long blog roll to my blogs which help me to share all my links and related niche blogs.  So I try to make it in my blog and solve this issue.  I could not find the solution for it.  Instead of creating a long blog roll in my sidebar I probably create a clean side bars.  Also I decided to write about the blogs I read it individually and it was reviewed at same time to make it possible for me.

I would like to share this ideas about a create long sidebar like it.  You can find more details about it here.

Create a long Side bar 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Make Money reviewing and promoting products

If you want to make money then reviewme which help you to make money while reviewing bloggers and promoting products. At the same time most of the business people or companies to share their business through blogs to reviewing it.  It's quit interesting to review through their website authors who wants to give valuable or invaluable comments on your blog or website.

The process will be very simple to register or sign up with this reviewme website and then you can submit your blog to review it.  The blog should have enough traffic and authority to be eligible and select review one among the listed ones. If you blog to be selected by them then you will get huge traffic through this website.  Reviewme will pay you from 20 dollars from 200 dollars for each review.

It may closer to the lower number and also you can reach target traffic through this opportunity.  Also you can submit your website or blog to make it possible for you.

Please click the website to get more information about it - Click Here

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Usefulness of Notepad++ on steroids

Most of the publishing layouts are very simple and user friendly and I would like to explain about it here.  Also you can get the simple code for this publishing layouts which is very useful for you.

Basic HTML and CSS code are only the way to have a complete control on your blog.  Also you have a buttons like Social Book Markings, like buttons, Feed Burner and many buttons.

Many people need to know about the basic system to enable it and perhaps the most efficient way to change the code is a simple text editor like Windows Notepad.  Instead of the Notepad, though I recommend that you download the open source text editor which is called Notepad++

Notepad++ is also one of the most important and as simple as traditional Notepad and it is having many useful features like as follows :

1) Syntax and html code tags highlighting
2) Auto-completion
3) drag and drop
4) Micros and Macros

I am happy to share this news and you can download it here.   Click Here

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is your blog browser compatible?

I would like to say something about it because some of the browser's may not accept some urls.  Also you should physically check it then you can run your website in all browers like Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.  Normally people are concentrating one browser to make it compatible for it.  At the same time, we have to do cross-browser checking which is also most important role for a blog or website.

It is probably giving the unpleasant results sometimes.  So should we check it with other browser?  I really wanted to make it possible for me because it is most important role to run it in all browsers. Also most of the new websites are based on CSS because the developers can have hold on the pages and templates look and feel to be modified at any time.

Cascading Style Sheets are getting some discrepancies like misaligned sidebars, look and like, and overlapping text and it might be a minor but we should give perfect template and design.  You should check with all the browsers the people who access it which is the only way to solve the issues.  I hope you understand the issue to make it possible for you.

Also you should take a screenshot of your website pages with different browsers and calculate the downloading time which help you to analyze the browser compatible.

You can find more details in www.browsershorts.org which help you to find the better results about your blog configuration and compatible with all browsers.  You can find all the browsers compatible like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari to get it for you.  Also you can choose all the screen shot solutions.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Common confusion about 'www' or without 'www' website

If we choose a domain name as 'http://www.shipping.com' or http://shipping.com for our website or a blog both are same but sometimes we have confusion about it.  So you can either use 'www' with your domain or without 'www' to type your domain name in address bar.  At the same time, when you add a back link to your website with 'www' or without 'www' for getting outbound link is the question to confuse your search engine results as well as ranking.

Why the confusion is behind ranking?

All the search engines including Google's spider might be reading your website name in a back links to be read as with 'www' or without 'www' to make it as two back links.  So it may be affected your search engine results because of these different back links to your website.  At the same time, if you have same content also have two different results and getting ranking also behind the screen.

So you should have back links always including 'www' which is preferable to make it strong back links to your website which help you to get more results.  It may give proper ranking to your website.

How it split your back links?

Normally, you have back links from incoming links to your website might be two way which are -  'http://www.google.com'  or 'http://google.com'.  So both are calculated as two different back links to your website which may affect your ranking or sites search engine results.

So you should avoid this kind of back links to your website then it will be added value to your website or your blog.  Sometimes social bookmarking sites back links are added by someone might be given two different value for your website.

How to solve this issue for your blog? You can set up your website as'301 Permanent Redirect'Â from the 'No-www' version to the one with "www" vice-versa which help you to redirect if people type your domain name without 'www' will be counted and automatically redirect to "http://www.domain.com".

After that you may not worry about these both back links from with 'www' or without 'www' are not a big question for you to get search engine results.  Because both links are calculated as the same.

Friday, February 7, 2014

How to choose a blog name?

How to choose a blog name?

There are five steps to choose your blog's domain name and you just follow the steps.  We would like to give some steps which help you to create your own blog in blogger.com or wordpress.com or your own website.

1) How to choose your niche?

I really enjoy to select my niche which may have real sense to give the best results to your website.  Also you should not expel from it because niche is one of the major role to choose your domain.  Niche is nothing but the product features aimed to reach your goal at satisfying specific market place.

For example, if you run a shipping company or clearing agency in New York.  You should select a specific brand name or common name as www.shippingagentinnewyork.com, www.newyorklogistics.com and many website results.

If you have a dog shop in boston or tea brand name then you should select your own brand name or create your own local keywords.  dogshopinboston.com or thebestteaatboston.com.

2) How to choose brand name?

You must have your own brand name which should be reached the people in the given time or certain period of time.  When you have time then you should have been branding you product or brand name.?  So I hope to search a brand name for your product or business.  I really select a name for my forum which is a webmaster forum?  I just choose www.choforum.com

3) It must be describe your blog :

Normally people need to search their own keywords to reach the blog which might be yours by search engines organic traffic.  Why because? You should describe your niche to swindle the visitors to your blog.  Also if your name blog should say what content you have in your blog.

4) Simple name but it must be remember by the people :

Royal design with simple domain name for your blog which must be remember by everyone. Then you will be the master of your niche.  We are happy to share our ideas through this blog which may help you to understand to select your blog name.

5) It should be like a domain name :

You should have your own domain which should be a competitive keywords.  Also your niche keywords may not be available for you and you must have your own niche + local area = combined domain name.

For example,   healthychennai.com, fitnesschennai.com or yogachennai.com

You may not have health.com or fitness.com or yoga.com

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Basic fundamentals for blogging

I don't think blogging is the best way to reach people but now millions of people being read out blogs everyday.  So blogging is also one of the best way to reach people and you can create your own blog which may help you to reach your targeting audience. Now a days internet is changing the way of communication like working style, living style and sharing ideas with friends and people.  Most of the individuals need to create blog to write their daily activities, business blogging, social involvement, business tips, online job tips and many topics are compressed in blogging.

What are the fundamentals to be needed?

Knowledge and skill are the basic process or fundamental create your blog. Someone aspiring to write - be it their business, films, daily updates, fitness articles, technology news and more.  If you have knowledge and writing skill then you should follow us to make it easy to create your own blog.  Now people want to spend time in online searching people, blogging, websites to search their own ideas.  So we should keep on writing our own niche topics to reach people or target the people through search engine.

So we need enough knowledge for a niche then we do write post everyday which help us to reach the people.  Other end of the reaching people seo and we will discuss about it later.

How to write Blog?

You should have simple topic which should be related to your niche content then start writing.  You should write and read it first then if you satisfied then post it. Otherwise you should correct it before post it.  Whenever you need help in this regards pl ask us to make it easy for you.   Writing is not an easy but practice makes you perfect then you will be one of the best writer.

Most of the best weblogs might have been missed by search engines because improper seo.  So we try to discuss about basic blogging and blog tips for newbies and to be covered here :

Basic blogging
Web tools
Domain Names
Blog Sofwares
Ling Bulding
Add Url tips

We will give you the suggestions which help you a lot.  Also we will express our ideas to impress you and make you a perfect blogger.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How to start a new Blog?

I am very interested to start new blog to share my ideas here.  Also I need to earn money from home and I will give some tips to create a blog or website or weblog through this blog.  I hope you understand my words and get more information about to create a blog.

You should have gmail account if you want to create a blog and I really share my experience which may help you a lot.  Also I have some bad experience and positive experience past ten years.  So I can share it here.